Spider Parc

Les Terres Neuves 04400 Saint-Pons

From 06/04 to 05/05/2024, daily between 2 pm and 6 pm.

From 06/05 to 05/07/2024, every Saturday and Sunday between 2 pm and 6 pm.

From 06/07 to 01/09/2024, daily between 10 am and 7 pm.

From 02/09 to 18/10/2024, every Saturday and Sunday between 2 pm and 6 pm.

From 19/10 to 03/11/2024, daily between 2 pm and 6 pm.

A fun and acrobatic adventure course for children.
A fully secured acrobatic course with nets, full of freedom for children from 3 to 9 years.


One price: 10 €.

Practical Information

Minimum age : 3 years old

Maximum age : 9 years old