© UT-Brendan Le Peru
© UT-Brendan Le Peru


We guarantee you'll be looking at more than just the road!

Since 1975 and the victory of Bernard Thévenet over Eddy Merckx, the Pra Loup climb has become a must for any self-respecting cyclist.


The Ubaye Valley represents a real paradise for cyclists who come to test their pedal strokes on its roads. It owes its fame to the diversity and quality of its routes as well as to the beauty of its landscapes and the areas traversed. All cyclists will find happiness here with difficult climbs and gentle stages – 4,000 km of routes await you.


Come and try your hand at climbing these famous mountain passes, with determination and after plenty of challenging cycling and spectacular scenery, you might leave with the famous Brevet des 7 Cols !

The cols

La Bonette, Allos, Cayolle, Vars, Pontis... the legendary passes and cycling routes of the Ubaye Valley.

Seven in total, the mountain passes surround the Ubaye valley and make it unique, all of them renowned following the many passings of the Tour de France. Different profiles, more or less demanding, from Lake Serre-Ponçon to the Haute Vallée de l'Ubaye, they'll challenge you! The breathtaking landscapes and views will be the rewards your efforts.


During your climbs mountain pass cycling milestones will provide you with valuable information about your route:

  • Road number
  • Altitude at the milestone
  • The remaining distance to the top
  • The gradient of the next kilometre

Brevet des 7 cols

Want a challenge at your level?

Get on your bike and go on a cycling adventure that will have you climb the seven passes that dominate the Ubaye Serre-Ponçon Valley. Here, no notion of time or speed, only your endurance and self-sacrifice count. As a bonus, the accolade of entering the "Brevet des 7 Cols" club!

How to obtain your certificate